So my major adventures for this week have been to the Lottemart. On Tuesday I simply explored the place, trying to figure out where most things were and failing to find the things that I went there for. Today I made a little more effort, and accepted the fact that I'm going to look lost, as I often do in Walmarts of the US. I found athletic pants, an ironing board, and suitable replacement keyboard. my keyboard's m key decided it was going to act all possessed, so now I have to copy and paste an m whenever I want to use it. Fortunately, Bob was able to send me a program that deactivated it, so that my typing doesn't turn out like mmmmmmmmthismmmmmm.
The ironing board I found to be a bit disturbing. If you can't read it, the caption says "Playing at the beach is one of the best enjoyment of the summer. However, they are destined never to swim." I'm still not sure if I should be amused or depressed. But, it was the cheapest one there, and they didn't seem to have any that stood on legs, so I got it. I forgot to get tools(a screwdriver to take out my broken laptop keyboard and scissors to open the package of my new one) so I'll wait until tomorrow for that project.
On my way to the Lottemart I got some kimbop, a tasty little 'snack' that I made into a meal by ordering 3 of them. They're like sticks of california rolls, about 10 slices per roll. Pretty filling, and I'm going to say nutritionally balanced. Then I bought some banana milk at the Family mart and had my dinner on the corner of a busy intersection. I probably looked kind of funny, but it was the only place I could find a table and chairs to use.
I also failed to find cold medicine, so I'll have to ask my co-teacher about a place close by I can might be able to get that. The family mart probably has something. I have a little nyquil Rob left, and this spray that has helped my sore throat, but I could use something to keep my nose from running during the day.
Another kind of boring entry. maybe this weekend I'll do something exciting.
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