After learning a little from our mistakes of the previous weekend, which involved standing around for hours, we(the Madison group) were able to do a little more exploring Friday night in Hongdae. Once everybody got the subway station went to eat, split off and went to some bars, then met up at another bar. I think that's probably the best course of action, to split up into smaller groups, it's hard to get 13 people to all do the same thing. Plus it's a lot less conspicuous.
We slept at the bath house, which was more like what I expected it to be like before I got here than what people seemed to say it was like. It was nice to take a shower and get a couple hours of rest, before heading around Hongdae for more shopping Saturday.
We were able to find a nice music shop in Jongpo(very close to Hongdae). It was a lot like Yongsan, with about 50 music shops all competing. I found a good accoustic/electric bass for $300(originally $455) with a little haggling, but I probably could have done better with a little more effort. It's a good bass though, I don't think I could have gotten it in the US for any cheaper. I was able to bust it out and play randomly when we were stopped a couple times shopping, which was fun and didn't seem to bother anybody.
I took the subway back around 5, got back around 7:30, and slept from 10:30pm-10:00am. A good weekend overall I think.